Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What a nightmere!!!

Hi to all that read.

This is a very quick one as I can't stand for long without feeling worn out and I can't sit as it hurts!!
After making what I thought was a good recovery from my op, I started to feel a little worse again! Early Friday morning after a night of no sleep I got up and was in extreme pain, so I rang my mum (who is a nurse) and whilst on the phone I felt a sharp popping sensation within!

Anyway on the advice of the surgical registrar that I called, my hubby took me to A&E. After bloodtests, x-ray's and scans they discovered that the popping was actually blood and I was bleeding internally from the base of my lung!!

So yes, you guessed it, back into surgery that night.

I am home now after a 4 day stay in hospital, very sore, fed up and hot and bothered as Perth's weather has started to pick up.

Would have loved to have been reporting on my training etc but unfortunately I think I'm a good couple of weeks off that again. Now my Bodyblitz quest is in real trouble!

So to those whose feedback is waiting for me in my inbox I hope to get to it tomorrow and I am looking forward to doing it all being well.

Hope you are all well, speak to you soon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sue Heintze said...

Get better soon Shar. You are superwoman, I know you will be ok! Don't worry about your Body Blitz, we can pick that up anytime! You just concentrate on getting better.


Tracey said...

Hope you get better soon, we are all thinking of you.

SeLiNa said...

Hi Sharleen!

Sotty to hear everything has all gone pear-shaped. Hope you're back on your feet soon, remember your health is most important!!!
Best wishes xoxox

Shar said...

Thanks All!

Great to recieve some comments.

Will get well and get back into training slowly.

Fingers cossed for a good nights sleep!!?

jodie said...

Hi Shar
Sorry to hear about your woes. Must have been scarey. Get better soon. Thinking of you!