Wednesday, September 27, 2006

One of those days!

Hi All

I have had one of those days when I could have easily just eaten my way out of feeling crap!! BUT would have ended up feeling Crapper!! Do you know what I mean?

I am a pretty confident and strong person in certain areas of my life.

I am raising two children that are a true gift to me, I have the FULL help and support of my gorgeous hubby and although I feel the strain of being a Mum sometimes, the good outweighs the testing times. This is one area I feel confident and strong in, my love for my Children and Husband is unconditional and no matter what I will ALWAYS put them first.

The other area I feel confident and strong in is my choosen career. I always put myself out for others I work with, I always give 100% to each and every class I teach, I am passionate about what I do and helping people to enjoy exercise and change there exercise experience for the better.

The one area that I feel drains me more than anything and is such a waste of my time, is worrying constantly about how I feel, look and how I am perceived, not only to others but more to myself.

For those who are reading and don't know my history I have been up 100kg and down to 55kg no once but TWICE!

Here is the 100kg picture !!!

I can't believe I'm posting this!!!
This is around 5 years ago now.

With alot of hard training, eating right I managed to get down to this.........

Since this photo I have gained 9kgs!

I cannot explain how dissapointed I am in

But the thing I am most dissapointed
about is the fact that I gained this last year
and I have spent ALL OF THIS YEAR
trying to get rid of it!!

MY GOD ! can lose 45kg but I can't get
my head right to lose 9kgs? what is that all about!?

Anyway the reason for all of my ramblings above is that fact that today I can say I am NO WAY, NEVER, EVER going to waste my time, my emotions, all of my effort on worrying about whether I can do this, whether I can lose 9kgs, whether I can feel confident in myself and how I look.

I have 'started again' too many times, I have said 'this time i'm gonna do it' too many times.

I cannot afford to waste any more time making excuses!! I have to get there and I have to enjoy life.

I am feeling very powerful and strong today which is why I have written this blog, I am truly focussed at the moment, my training is going well, I am eating clean and I feel unstoppable. I cannot honestly say that in all my other 'attempts' this year I have never felt this way.

I am going to seize this moment and continue to push on.

'A ship in the harbor is safe. But that's not what ships are built for.'

Navigating your ship

Taking the easy way out is, well, easy. Human beings naturally stick with their normal routines because they offer feelings of security. But by staying in the same routine, you miss out on new opportunities.

If you are waiting around for your goals to just fall into your lap, it could take awhile. But your goals are achievable- if you're willing to break from the norm and cast your ship down uncharted waters.

My aim, my goal, is not only to lose the 9kg that seems to be holding me back, but more importantly to be CONFIDENT and STRONG in all areas of my life, so I can raise Confident and Strong children.

Thanks for listening

Shar x

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Just a few words........

What we can learn from our path to the present?

Often in moments of discouragement or depression, it's easy to feel that your life is going nowhere or that change is impossible. But it's simply not true!
Take a minute to think back over your life.
Chances are, you'll see a lot of growth in all of your formative areas. From childish playing, to youthful impulsiveness and adult reasoning, life sure has taken you on a rollercoaster hasn't it? When you were young, someone probably asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up. If someone posed that same question to you now, what would you say?
Let this reflection be an indicator of your dreams

Shar X

DAYS 4 - 7 - DONE!

Yep one week down! 10 to go!

Day 4
Taught Bodybalance and Bodyattack.

Day 5
Didn't teach today, didn't do anything infact just worked on all my paperwork, really could have got a cardio session in and will try and put this into place for next week.

Day 6
Taught Bodyattack and trained weights. Had a sunbed, watch THE WEST COAST EAGLES go through to the GF and then popped out and brought Maddi and Bryce a new bike each!

Day 7
Teaching BB today, will do a cardio seesion and hope for weights session too!
We were all up at 6.30am so we gave the kids a quick cereal bar breakkie and then went to the park (FOR PERTHIES - CARINE ) the sun was shining, birds singing, it was fab.
Just had breakfast and I'm now gonna get ready to go and teach.

Oh yeh!!! Weigh day is a Saturday, so I weighed yesterday and I have dropped 1.7kg this week. I am going really well at the moment and am so shocked I am still on track and its sunday, usually I blow it on a Friday night or Saturday and thats it for the whole weekend !

Hope you are all well, thanks to those who have left me comments!

Shar x

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Back to It !!! Days 1-3

I had 4 days off training and teaching !! I hate being sick.

Monday I felt better. I figured I won't get sick again, right? I had it quite bad so surely I can stay well for 10 weeks 5 days? until we fly home.

So I have strated my countdown again

Day 1
Better on Monday so taught a Bodybalance class

Day 2
Did a weights session at the gym in the morning along with a short session of cardio
Then in the evening I taught Bodyattack, my true cardio session!

Day 3
I taught Bodyattack this morning followed by a Bodybalance. Felt a bit tired so didn't push it and do anything else today!

Food has been spot on - 100%

Plan for tomorrow is to get a weights session in before lunch and I have two classes to teach in the evening.

Hope you are all well,

More reports soon!

Shar X

Sunday, September 17, 2006

DAYS 7 - 12 - SICK!!

Hey all

DAYS 7 - 12
Sorry for the gap, have been realy sick! got a bad cold, cough fever thingy!! Hit me quite bad and have had time off work and also spent alot of tme sleeping.

Stating to feel a little better, still having my classes covered tomorrow though as I need to get better properly.

I will be back to my daily grind and daily blogs soon.

I only have 11 weeks now until I goback to the UK for Christmas!! I can't wait to see everyone!

Have to shift this last bit of lard though!!

Speak soon

Shar X

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

DAY 4,5 & 6 - DONE

Was going so well with daily reports until the crazy weekend hit!!

I have been teaching in launches and covering classe all weekend!

Cardio - Bodyattack, bodyattack, bodyattack and one more bodyattack, 2 sat, 1 sun, 1 mon.

Weights - No time!!!!

Other - did 2 bodybalances somewhere in there! Both Launches, which went well and the members sem to like it.

Food - OK, now for food. decided to allow mysel a fre meal at the weekend due to the amount of HIT cardio I had done /would be doing with Bodyattack.
Had a chinese with my dad and hubby whilst watching WEST COAST EAGLES, could only eat a little bit!! too rich! and fatty.

Had a few treats on Sunday also - small milky way and a packet of chips. :( felt bad after!

Back on track now, my weigh days are going to be Saturdays, so will let you know if I get a loss this week.

Anyway must dash, last bits of chorie to learn, masseage to have, little girl to play with etc etc

See you soon

Shar x

Friday, September 08, 2006


Day 3 - All done for another day

I must say I'm getting used to this 5 minute blog writing thing - EVERYDAY!! Although it takes me a good 30 -45 mins to get hrough everyone elses blogs!

Cardio - None today!! 'NO CARDIO' I hear your cry! thats right, no cardio today, for the pure fact I have a double Bodyattack again tomorrow! 7.30am - New chorie launch and then a drive to another club to cover the 9.30am. I have a crazy week this week a total of 8 Bodyattacks! too many but all i a good cause - Launches and covers.

Weights - Taught Bodypump this morning. I also have sore Triceps from training on Wednesday!

Food - 100% clean! Allowed my carb portions to increase slightly due to tomorrows madness and the energy I need to do two in a row.

General day to day stuff - Had to go and pick Maddison up early from day care today as she was sick! poor little thing, very hot and then was sick another two times when I got her home. Sound asleep now though, will do her good.

Nothing planned for the weekend apart from a few extra classes. Will have a house tidy up on Sunday arvo, feel like I need a clean out.

Hope you all have a great weekend and thanks to those who left me comments.

Shar x

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day 2 - Done

Day 2 - Done

Still feeling strong, 'WOW 2 days' I hear you all saying, but if I could put into words how much I have been struggling lately to just 'get back to business' you would understand that it feels great to be back eating clean and focussd again! Already I have more energy, I don't have the puffy feel etc etc. . . . . .

Anyway. . . . . . . . . . .

Cardio - Bodyattack class, had loads of energy and loads of people turn up, great buzz when you have a big class.

Weights - day off as I can't be sore tomorrow as I have to teach Bodypump

Other - Bodybalance class

Food - 100% clean and all meals eaten today!

Soooooooooooooooo busy this week, we are launching the new Les Mills releases this weekend, my head knows nothing else but new choreography.

Speak soon

Shar x

Wednesday, September 06, 2006



All good for Day 1!!

Cardio - Taught Bodyattack this morning and then taught Bodyattack tonight!! Man it's tough to do two in a day

Weights - Shoulders and Abs

Other - Taught a Bodybalance this morning, I think i would go insane without teaching BB, it calm me and gives my body a different kind of workout.

Food - 100% clean, but missed a meal (opps)

Feeling positive and strong, but don't we always when we start something new!! Just gotta keep it rolling!!

Other news - My boy did well at school today in his sports carnival!! YAY for Bryce! He won the 200m, came 2nd in the sprint (75m) and 2nd in Long Jump, 4th in 400m.

Foxtel being installed tomorrow, obviously my hubby is more excited than I am, in fact he is the only one excited by this!

Keep watching and love to get your comments! :)


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I can't wait any longer!!

I just have to start the countdown to my visit home!!!

It just so happens that I really, really , really need to shift this last 4-5 kgs!

87 days to go, so that means, 87 days to eat clean, train hard and kick this fat ass to the curb!

Day 1 begins tomorrow

Join me on my journey and watch this space!

See you soon!!
