Sunday, June 11, 2006

I'm Back!! Sorry for the Gap!!

I'm Back!!! So please keep checking in all you loveeeerrllleeeyyy ladies that posted comments!!

Anyway a quick re-cap.

Finished my challenge, lost some CM's, lost 3kg, and skinfolds did come down BUT decided against my photos being done as I knew deep down I hadn't made the changes I wanted to due to a bit of a poor effort in all respects really.

Was very disappionted in myself and felt like I had failed etc etc and although I preach the failure way of thinking is no good for body or soul I was feeling it myself,

UNTIL.........................................................I was browsing everyones blogs as I do daily and JODIE saved me!!! (I don't think she knows this!) I read this on her blog , see what
you think.......

The value of failure

The value of failure Failure is a normal and natural part of achievement.

When the failures come, learn from them and then move quickly along.

Failure is not the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing that can happen is to let the fear of failure prevent you from ever doing anything.

If your top priority is to avoid all failure, then you will surely fail.

For only by accepting and living with the possibility of failure can you succeed and achieve.

Failure is not the end of the world. It is merely another step on the pathway to fulfillment, wisdom and achievement.

Though you would never intentionally set out to fail, when failure does come the best thing to do is to gracefully accept what has happened.

That will enable you to gain the most positive value from it.

Then you can move right along to the next step, and soon you'll be a long way past the failure, filled with more wisdom and experience.

Let failure be, and achievement will surely come.-- Ralph Marston

Bearing in mind that this was my second attempt as my operation got in the way during my first challenge!!, then the fact of the complications and being re-hospitilized knocked me for six but again I felt that I had failed, by not recovering quickly.

OK so 1st one, out of my control but gutted I didn't complete it, 2nd one some changes but just down to me not putting in with everything I have , with some outside factors too, but hey no excuses.

So I read this feeling like I had failed, so what was I going to do, not try again and just get there when I get there? be scared to try again incase I just don't make it AGAIN!! ?

NO- I am going to use everything to my advantage and learn form it, not be scared find the courage to go again.!! and that is what I have done, I am now into another challenge and plan on blogging again and reporting in general about my training etc.

So far so good with training, food could be a little better, still struggle at weekends, particularly last weekend when we were moving all weekend! BUT on top of it now and realise that to learn from my past mistakes/blips I need to just focus and get on with it.

Hope you are all well and look forwrd to your comments!! Oh and Thanks JODIE!!

Shar X

‘When the road is long, when the challenges are great, that is your chance to truly shine. For when you give it all you have, you end up with the best you can be.’



Magda said...

Hi Shar,

you have the greatest courage to post such an honest account of your blitz attempts. I did my first blitz early last year and got an ok result but knew I could have done a lot better. Anyway I didn't stay so fit and trim so started another blitz early this year. Fell down badly due to personal cicumstances that left me unmotivated and lacking focus. Its been a huge struggle since. But I'm not giving up on my quest for a better body. The Ralph Marston post on failure is truly inspirational and I'll use it to spur me on my journey.



PS My blog is on

SeLiNa said...

she's back!!!
very very powerful quote on failure, hits a few home truths with many of us I'm sure :)
Good luck!!!! We're all cheering you on, and sharing the experience with yoU!!!!!
:) :) :) :)

Amy said...

It's so good to see you posting- I have missed reading your blogs!! Loved the article on failure-it is so true! Look forward to following your progress again.
Love Amy

CJ said...

So good to hear from you on your blog again - I've been checking regularly! Sometimes it is really hard to remain focused and on track - we all have lives we have to juggle. But the beauty of it is that we keep trying - the day I give up trying and settle for second best will be a really sad day. So good on you for at least giving it your best shot. :-)

jodie said...

Wow Shar! Glad you got something out of my blog, sometimes I wonder if it is only me feeling like that sometimes. :) Also glad to hear that you are solidering on, that's all any of us can do. Good to hear from you, and keep posting.


Miss Positive said...

Hey Shar - great to have you back!

It is sometimes very hard to stay focussed, especially when life throws those curve balls! I struggle on weekends too - its the lack of routine that does it.

Anyway, your renewed determination is contagious - I'm feeling all fired up now!

Hilary xx

Shar said...

Thanks for all the comments girlies!!

Although I have been missing for a few eeks I have still been checking everyones blogs daily, I love reading how you are all doing and find you all inspirational!!

Will blog again soon.

Shar x

RaeC said...

"If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you.

What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down."

~Mary Pickford
